'Nimboli' Nandini who was also a child bride. The second part reflected on the life of Anandi's daughter, Dr. The first part focused on Anandi and Jagdish, who were married in childhood. The soap opera was divided into two parts titled Balika Vadhu – Kacchi Umar Ke Pakke Rishte (English: Child Bride – Strong Relationships of Tender Age), and Balika Vadhu – Lamhe Pyaar Ke (English: Child Bride – Moments of Love). The story is set in rural Rajasthan and revolves around the life of a child bride transitioning from her childhood to womanhood. Child Bride) is an Indian soap opera that aired on Colors TV between 21 July 2008 and 31 July 2016 and ran for 2,248 episodes on Colors TV.